Lambda State (Illinois) The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

LAMBDA STATE Taming Technology
for Innovative Learning

June 19-21, 2017

Bradley University
Peoria, Illinois

Link to online Registration

Session Descriptions and Presenter bios Brochure for Publicity

The 2017 Technology Seminar Sessions will include using technology in the classroom, and a new feature will be learning from our students. The Workshops on Monday, June 19th from 1-4 p.m. will be for those who are new to computer technology—Gaining Confidence with Technology, as well as using technology to create a Genealogy Photo Album.  A  Wine and Dine reception will be held the evening of Monday, June 19, 2017, 5:00-7:30 foster the spirit of the Seminar.   

The Opening Session on Tuesday, June 20, 8:30-10:00 a.m. will focus on "The Latest in Technology" from the perspective of local classroom teachers and their students. We realize that our students often know and use technology more than we do, so this will be a spotlight on the next generation of users and how they are engaged in Innovative Learning.

Only the Monday afternoon workshop "Gaining Confidence" will be held in a computer lab.  Participants will be expected to bring their own laptops or make arrangements to borrow a laptop for all Tuesday and Wednesday sessions. 

Following the Opening Session, the rest of the day on Tuesday and the morning on Wednesday will be devoted to technology training on June 20 and June 21; the training will consist of two strands designed for beginner and advanced uses.  One strand will focus on the Personal Use of Technology; the other on the Instructional Classroom Usage.  All sessions will be 1 hour and 30 minutes except the Monday sessions, which will be 3 hours (with a 15 min. break). 


pp Pictures are from the last Seminar in 2015.


Last updated March 5, 2017