Gamma Mu 


 Vida Bunting

Gamma Mu Chapter would like to honor a lady who has been a member of Delta Kappa Gamma for 25 years.

She has a B.S. Degree, a Masters Degree, and an EDS Degree.

She is a media specialist, has been JCEA President and has served on the Tennessee Teacher's Study Council.

She has been involved in her community through being a Bible School Director, Church Clerk, Sunday School Teacher, Eastern Star, and Secretary/Treasurer of Training Union.

She has served Delta Kappa Gamma in the capacity of Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Parliamentarian.

THANK YOU, Vida Bunting for ALL you have done in your 30+ years of education and your 25 years in Delta Kappa Gamma. We appreciate you.



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Last Updated 4/27/05