I think that you agree that we had a delightful meeting in September. Billy Hix and Terry Sue Fanning did a great job teaching us to make “air bags” with vinegar and soda. It was also a pleasure to have Xi State President Elaine Warwick visit with us and bring us up to date on some state activities. In addition, the credentials presented for those voted to be invited to become Alpha Pi members were impressive. These five (5) outstanding teachers have accepted our invitation and will be initiated in November. I hope that all of you can attend on November 13.


President Martha Scarbrough

First Vice President Vicki Young

Second Vice President Alice Huskey

Secretary Linda Jernigan

Treasurer Joyce Hiebert

Parliamentarian Carmen Morrell



August 14.………4:30 pm………..Manchester Central High School
September 11.…. 4:30 pm ……….. Tullahoma Robert E. Lee Elementary School
November 13.…. 4:30 pm ……….. Manchester Administrative Plaza, Community Room
February 12 …… 4:30 pm ……….. Tullahoma Robert E. Lee Elementary School
March 12 …….. 4:30 pm ………. Manchester Central High School
April 28 ………10:30 am …………Tullahoma


Member dues, active $70 and reserve $25, must be paid by October 31.


International scholarships were raised from $5000 to $6000.
Educators who have been retired two (2) years or less may now be considered for membership in the society.


SOUTHEAST REGIONAL CONFERENCE will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, on June 27-30, 2007. Xi State member Dr. Jensi Souders, Southeast Regional Director, is in charge of planning this conference and needs our help. Sponsors/exhibitors for the conference are needed to offset conference costs. If you know a company or organization that might be willing to sponsor a speaker, the printed program, have a display in the Info Fair, etc., please let me know the company contact person’s name and address. Headquarters will then send them a sponsor-packet.

BUS TRIP TO SOUTHEAST REGIONAL CONFERENCE is being coordinated by the Xi State Personal Growth and Services committee. Bus cost is $199 per person, based on 40 passengers. The bus will leave Knoxville at 2:00 am on Tuesday, June 26, and make pick-ups in Nashville (3:45 am CDT) and Memphis (7:30 am) and arrive in New Orleans 4:00 pm. The return trip departs New Orleans at 8:00 am on Sunday, July 1, arrives in Memphis 4:00 pm, arrives in Nashville 7:45 pm, and arrives back in Knoxville 12:00 midnight EDT. A deposit of $50 is due March 1, 2007. Each person must make her own reservations at the conference hotel. Rates are: $129 single, $139 double ($70 per person per night), $149 triple ($50 per person per night) and $159 quad ($40 per person per night). More information will be in the Delta Kappa Gamma News.

SOUTHEAST REGIONAL COOKBOOK is being published and sold to membership to replenish the International Emergency Fund. The Fund was depleted because of the devastating hurricanes and tornadoes last year. This cookbook will be published by February 2007 and will cost between $10 and $12. Each chapter in Xi State is asked to purchase ten (10) of these cookbooks. We can order as many as our membership wants to purchase.


Biennium 2006-2008 Issue 3
October 2006

 AGENDA October Special Meeting

3:30 Executive Board Meeting
4:00 Orientation of New Members

AGENDA November Meeting

4:30 Initiation of New Members
5:00 Dinner
5:45 Program: Dr. Annette Gregory
6:00 Chapter Business
1. Approval of minutes for 9-11-06
2. Treasurer’s Report
3. Correspondence
4. Committee Reports
5. Member Recognitions
6. Announcements
6:30 Adjournment


---to the LITERACY/SPECIAL PROJECT COMMITTEE for a very successful day between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm September 23 at WalMart in Tullahoma signing up 35 children for the Books from Birth program. Thanks to Committee members Virginia Davis, Sarah Hailey, and Joyce Hiebert for planning, setting up, and coordinating the activity. Thanks to Carmen Morrell,Joan Pockrus and Reba Walters for assisting in the sign-ups.


The Personal Growth and Service/World Fellowship Committee, Gail Holland, chair, will be requesting donations at the November meeting. Please come prepared to contribute to the World Fellowship Fund.

The Yearbook Committee, Alice Huskey, chair, has completed the 2006-2007 Yearbook and it has been distributed to all members.

The Arts and Crafts Committee, Leslie Wurst, chair, will be needing art/craft items for display at the State Convention next June. Please plan to contribute an item.


NOMINATION FORMS for state office or state elected committee are due by October 31, 2006. There are three state committees that are elected: nominations, personnel, and finance. Each committee is composed of six members; two from each grand division of the state. Please let me know if you would like to be nominated for membership on either of these committees.

GOVERNOR BREDESEN’S BOOKS FROM BIRTH PROGRAM was approved as the Xi State literacy project. Registering children for this valuable literacy opportunity is an ongoing effort throughout the year. March 1, 2007, is the deadline for each chapter to report to Area Directors the number of children who have been registered. Also, chapters are sending photos taken during sign-up activities to the Xi State Technology chair. She is coordinating them into a presentation to be given at Xi State Convention at Sewanee next June.

XI STATE LEADERSHIP SEMINAR will be held on March 30-31 in the Cool Springs area of Franklin. Applications can be found on the Xi State website. Thirty participants will be selected to attend.

VISION FOUNDATION GRANTS AND AWARDS are worth $1000. If you have a project in your school for which you need funds or a workshop you would like to attend, then apply for either the Liz Whorley Bradley Professional Growth award or for one of the two Vision Foundation project grants. The application was in the September issue of Xi State News and can also be found online at the Xi State website.



Oct 15 Gail Holland


Remember the Alpha Pi website at:

Thanks to Vicki Young for developing the chapter website and for maintaining it. Watch for Alpha Pi information throughout the year!