We had an enjoyable meeting on February 8 at Robert E. Lee Elementary School. Gail Holland and Joanna Miller served us a delicious assortment of cookies and goodies. Dr. Linda Walden blessed us with a beautiful devotion. We all enjoyed "Keeping Fir with Tai Chi" as Belinda Riddle led us with a few exercises we can try at home.

Our next meeting will be Monday, March 8, at Hickerson Elementary. I hope everyone will be able to attend. Vicki Young will give our devotion and Rebecca Langford and Linda Jernigan will be our hostesses.

Our new slate of officers will be presented. Many thanks to everyone for your support and words of encouragement during my service as president.

Don't forget the Xi State convention which will be held at Sewanee June 10, 11, 12. The Delta Kappa Gamma International convention will be held in Spokane, Washington Junly 20-24, 2010.

Patty Roberts, President


President Patty Roberts
First Vice President Becky Langford
Second Vice President Joan Pockrus
Secretary Louise James
Treasurer Joyce Hiebert
Parliamentarian Carolyn Bonner


August 10.……… 4:30 pm………..
Hickerson Elementary School

September 14.…..4:30 pm ………..
November 9.…... 4:30 pm ………..
Patch Manor
February 8.. …… 4:30 pm ………..
Hickerson Elementary School

March 8... …….. 4:30 pm …….….
Robert E Lee Elementary School

April 24……..… 10:30 am ………
Lakewood Country Club

Committee Chairmen
Rules - Martha Scarbrough
Finance/Budget - Alice Huskey
Leadership Development - Joan Pockrus
Chapter Growth - Rosie Graham
Program - Becky Langford
Personal Growth - Carolyn Bonner
Professional Affairs - Gail Holland
Legislative - Linda Rollins
Research - Jane Fisher
Music - Vicki Young
Communication - Martha Scarbrough
Scholarship - Marilyn Roberts
World Fellowship - Louise James
High School Essay - Joyce McCullough
Literacy - Becky Langford
Visual/Performing Arts - Linda Walden
History - Martha Scarbrough
Sunshine - Joyce Heibert
Telephone/Email - Reba Walters
Website - Vicki Young
Yearbook - Joan Pockrus


February 8 - Meeting at Robert E. Lee Elementary School.

March 8 - Meeting at Hickerson Elementary School.

April 24 - Founders' Day brunch at Lakewood Country Club.

Check out the International Website:






Biennium 2008-2010 Issue 7
March 2010

Agenda for March 8 Meeting
4:15 Snacks and Socializing

4:30 Call to Order

Devotional Thought - Vicki Young

4:40 Program "School Law "
Speaker - Michael Galligan

5:10 Reports:
Treasurer’s Report
Committee Reports

6:00 Adjournment

Hostesses - Rebecca Langford and Linda Jernigan


Yearbook Committee . Thanks to Joan Pockrus for a wonderful new yearbook. Please let her know if you have not received you 2009-2010 copy through the mail.

Website Newsletters . The newsletter will be available from the Alpha Pi website this year. Members will receive an email letting them know when each newsletter is available for viewing. This change is part of an international emphasis on paperless communication in Delta Kappa Gamma.

Delta Kappa Gamma International The 2010 International Convention will be July 20-24 in Spokane, Washington.

Go for the Gold . Martha Scarbrough has volunteered to chair an ad hock committee for striving to become a gold chapter this year as Delta Kappa Gamma celebrates its 75th anniversary. Here are some ideas to begin thinking about:

  1. Donate some art or craft object to be used in our silent auction at Southeast Regional.
  2. Submit an article for the Book of Memories.
  3. Plan and prepare a display of our chapter history and memorabilia for the 2010 Arts and Crafts display.
  4. Volunteer to perform in a special anniversary program to be presented on Thursday evening at the 2010 Xi State Convention.
  5. Request that our chapter donate $1 per member x 3 to be used to help fund the celebration.


The Xi State convention will be held at the University of the South, Sewanee, June 10-12. Registration forms are included in the February 2010 Xi State News.

Dr. Jensi Souders has been nominated international president - the first Xi State member ever!

Former Xi State president, Dr. Isabel Wheeler, passed away on October 22, 2009. Many DKG members will remember her as a passionate member of the society.


Many exciting things are happening in Delta Kappa Gamma. There is a new logo with both long and short versions. The Society's Social Network will roll out this fall with numerous services, belts, whistles and online connections for members. Stay connected and watch for regular announcements on the web site. Please note that the next issue of the NEWS will not be mailed to you. It will be posted online (Downloads, Publications).