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Text Box: 9/13 Meeting Summary

Committee Work
Committees met to work on their goal for 2010-2011.  Committees are History, Finance, Scholarship, Professional Growth and Development, World Fellowship and Membership.

The corrected minutes were accepted from the Focus meeting from May 2010/spring meeting.

Installation of Second Vice-President
At our first focus meeting 9/13, Alpha Mu had the installation of the 2nd Vice President.  

Currently noted balance of $754.00 in the 2010-2011 operating budget with $754.00 targeted for scholarship from the budget based on 41 active and 1 reserve members.  Discussion took place on how to provide assistance for those members who may be leaving due to financial reasons.  Members present voted to accept the current budget as offered.

Woman of Distinction
The Woman of Distinction nominations are due by November 5, 2010 which will allow the presentation to take place at the December 5, 2010 Focus meeting. State nominations are due by March 15, 2011 in time for the spring State convention.

Fashion Show/Scholarship Fund Raiser
Student models will be used at the annual Fashion Show Fundraiser this October with the hopes that the student's families will attend.  The admission price is $15.  We are in need of donations for this raffle.

Christmas Tea
The Christmas Tea donation has been suggested to provide monetary support for the homeless crisis in our counties.

The Alpha Mu Scrapbook sponsored by the History Committee has been a success with all members participating in contributing to creating a page (photos) from our events.  Pages will continue to be distributed for this purpose.

State and National Conferences
Everyone is encouraged to attend the annual conferences offered by Delta Kappa Gamma Society International as they enrich our lives creating friendships and fellowship in both personal and professional development. 

Spring Fundraiser
Please save old jewelry (minus gold) and accessories for the Wheel and Deal event held at the GP War Memorial in the spring 2011.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.

Fall Focus Meeting #1: September 13, 2010 GPP Ewald Library

Fashion Show: Scholarship Fund Raiser.   Talbot’s/Village    

                 October 12, 2010 6:30-8. Raffle.

Fall Workshop: October 15, 16. 2010.    Bay City


Women in the Arts: October 22-24, 2010. Higgins Lake

Holiday Table Scraps:  November 2010.

Focus Meeting #2: December 5th, 2010. 2-4 pm. 

Feather Bowling:  January

Cooking demonstration: February

Focus Meeting #3:  March 5, 2011

Riverlake Council Luncheon:  April 9th, 2011  11-3.  Thomas Edison Inn

Alpha Iota State Convention: April 15-17, 2011 Romulus

Focus Meeting #4:  May 2011.  Fishbones, St Clair Shores.

Wheel & Deal:  May 2011.  GP War Memorial

$5 for 5K Fun Walk  May 2011. GP War Memorial